My family has no idea what I do for a living. This prompted me to want to show them, vs telling them.

‘Relearning Us’ explores my family’s history after the Fall of Saigon on both my mother and father’s side - two very different upbringings that have met in the middle with so much love.

This gallery came to fruition when I realized visuals and tangible pieces have always aided me in explaining and expressing myself. Creating this exhibition I utilize the skills I’ve learned thus far in my career as a creative producer and share it in a way that is digestable for my family to understand. And a topic they know best - it’s about us.

Themes such as displacement, growing up, divorce, nostalgia and simply things families and humans go through are explored within works of photography and textures.  Let’s take it offline and be in the same room. As a self-funded project, thank you so much for your support and time. I really look foward to sharing this with all of you and in hopes that you can find a little piece of yourself within this project.




Helen Nguyen
Donnel Barraso 
Jomar Victoria 
Oanh Dao & Vivi Nguyen Nieva 
Liem Tran & Dennis Ngo
Hanh, Richard & David Ly
Ellen Lam & Simon Nguyen
Thomas White
The Huynh Family

Vancouver, BC
Toronto, ON
Boston, MA
Los Angeles, CA
Paris, FR
Saigon, VN
Terrenganu, MY